“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.”
We are learning more every day about how important clean food is to our health and life.
Conventional farming uses fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that reek havoc on our bodies and minds.
We decided that we want to share our experiences and what we have learned with other like-minded people.
We have started growing our food as naturally as possible. We do not use fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides . In place of fertilizer, we use worm castings... a most wonderful natural amendment.
Instead of chemical pesticides and herbicides we have found natural alternatives to control weeds and pests (both small and large).
We have been modifying our diet to eat healthier nutritious foods and have started seeing the benefits of doing so.
We use raw honey and real maple syrup in place of refined sugar.
About Us
Our goal here is the bringing together of people who have similar interests and desires to be a part of a community whereby everyone can share in a healthy, productive lifestyle. A place where one can find peace and serenity through ones connection with the natural environment of the earth.
We are seeking like-minded people who understand and also seek this concept. People who enjoy the growing and the sharing of their labors with others in their community. That we may be productive in our own needs while being able to share our prosperity with others around us.
We wish for you to be Fruitful and Prosper!
See the SPECIAL below to
"Squirrel Away"
some money!
to welcome you!!!
Leases run from January through December! We feel that members need to be rewarded. It takes time to get settled in to a new place, and we want our new members to have the time that you need to get set up and settled in.
For our new members in the Hillsville, Virginia community, there are NO monthly lease payments due until our lease cycle of January-December 2025.
As an incentive, a lease payment will NOT be due until March 2025!
This will give our new members the rest of the winter months to get settled in and be prepared for the 2025 growing season! We wish to say THANK YOU to our new incoming members. THANK YOU!
To assist in the development of our community, we would like to know what talents that you feel you can bring to the table. Do you have experience in herbs? experience in vegetables? fruits/trees? irrigation techniques? community organization? or maybe you are just good at helping people feel good about their contributions to others!
We all have something to contribute. We would love to hear what you feel is YOURS!
Thank you for being part of the Camp and Grow community!